Ambulatory EEG: Crossing the Great Divide

17sepAll Day24Ambulatory EEG: Crossing the Great DivideJoin this eSeminar with Dr. William Tatum

Event Details

Course introduction:
Please join us for this ON-DEMAND event of a previously broadcast eSeminar presented by Dr. William Tatum from the Mayo Clinic Florida. Ambulatory EEG devices offer portable, multi-channel, digital EEG recording with or without video in the patient’s natural environment. The technology applied for aEEG recording is like the technology for routine EEG and inpatient long-term video-EEG monitoring but designed to be compact and wearable. Computer-based aEEG technology is well suited to digital recording, signal processing, and visual display, acquiring interpretable EEG outside of the hospital setting presents different technical challenges.

Course Objectives:

    • Attendees will be able to compare the role of ambulatory EEG to other forms of short-term and long-term EEG recording.
    • Upon completion of the lecture, learners will be able to understand the technological basis and clinical yield of ambulatory EEG.
    • Following the presentation, participants will be able to understand the role of ambulatory EEG in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy.
    • At the end of the presentation, the future implications of ambulatory EEG monitoring will be highlighted.

Speakers for this event

  • Dr. William O. Tatum IV

    Dr. William O. Tatum IV


    Dr. William O. Tatum IV is professor in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, senior consultant and is board-certified in Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, and Epilepsy and chairs the division of epilepsy at the Mayo Clinic in Florida and serves as the director for the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center and Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. He completed his Neurology training at Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois, and a two-year epilepsy fellowship at Graduate Hospital, University of Pennsylvania before joining the Mayo Clinic in 2009.

    Dr. Tatum is a past president of both the ABCN and the ACNS and Chair of the Clinical Neurophysiology section in the AAN. He has served on the board of directors for the Neurodiagnostic Society and EFA professional advisory board. He has authored/co-authored more than 230 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 45 book chapters, and edited/co-edited 8 books/editions in the field of epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology. He is on the editorial board for the Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology and is the Editor-in-Chief of Epilepsy and Behavior Reports. He has presented lectures nationally and internationally as an invited lecturer. He has been principal investigator in multiple pharmacologic and device trials with research interests in drug-resistant epilepsy, seizure semiology, and EEG/clinical neurophysiology.



september 17 (Sunday) - 24 (Sunday)


ONLINE eSeminar

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