JDVAC 2020

10febAll Day12JDVAC 2020Rosemont, IL

Event Details

JDVAC 2020

JDVAC is an annual meeting between the Association of VA Audiologists (AVAA) and the Military Audiology Association (MAA). This annual meeting of the two organizations began as part of an effort aimed at expanding and enhancing the cooperation and collaboration between the DOD and VA Audiologists. It provides an opportunity for networking and collaboration between the Audiologists treating our active duty service men and women and those working with our nation’s veterans. The conference aims to offer sessions that are geared toward these particular cohorts and to address the hearing and healthcare issues that are central to what VA and DOD Audiologists deal with on a day to day basis; areas such as tinnitus treatment, TBI/polytrauma, hearing conservation, compensation/pension evaluation.

JDVAC is proud to announce that the 2020 Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare!

Save the Dates and join us in Rosemont, IL!


february 10 (Monday) - 12 (Wednesday)

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