Jitter Recordings with Concentric Needle Electrodes

20augAll Day27Jitter Recordings with Concentric Needle ElectrodesJoin this eSeminar with Dr. Erik Stalberg

Event Details

Course introduction:
Please join us for this ON-DEMAND event of a previously broadcast eSeminar with Dr. Erik Stalberg. Jitter recordings using concentric needle electrodes is replacing recordings with original SFEMG electrodes. This is challenging because of the risk of obtaining signals generated by more than one fiber per spike. New criteria for acceptance will be described as well as new instrument settings and certain quality problems in time measurements

At the conclusion of this eSeminar the participants will be able to:

  • The lecture will focus on practical details in CNE jitter recording
  • Differences in CNE and classic SFEMG will be highlighted
  • Electrodes, filter settings, pitfalls in measurements will be discussed
  • Reference CNE jitter values from a multicenter study will be presented
  • Both voluntary and stimulation activation will be described

Speakers for this event

  • Dr. Erik Stålberg

    Dr. Erik Stålberg


    Prof. Stalberg is a Professor Emeritus at the Uppsala University where he has spent his lifetime to learning, teaching, research and patient care. He is internationally recognized for his contributions to electrodiagnostic medicine. He pioneered the technique of single fiber EMG, and also other methods of quantitative analysis. He has promoted quantitative analysis and tele-medicine. He has trained many luminaries in this field. He has published over 450 articles, written chapters in many text books, and co- authored the book ‘Single Fiber EMG’. He has lectured in many countries and conferences where he has been showered with recognition and awards. Among them, American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine gave him the “Distinguished Researcher Award” and “Lifetime Achievement Award”.



august 20 (Sunday) - 27 (Sunday)


ONLINE eSeminar

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