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- Create Date November 17, 2023
- Last Updated November 17, 2023
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Consensus statement on continuous EEG in critically ill adults and children, part II: personnel, technical specifications, and clinical practice |
Consensus statement on continuous EEG in critically ill adults and children, part II: personnel, technical specifications, and clinical practice
Susan T Herman, Nicholas S Abend, Thomas P Bleck, Kevin E Chapman, Frank W Drislane, Ronald G Emerson, Elizabeth E Gerard, Cecil D Hahn, Aatif M Husain, Peter W Kaplan, Suzette M LaRoche, Marc R Nuwer, Mark Quigg, James J Riviello, Sarah E Schmitt, Liberty A Simmons, Tammy N Tsuchida, Lawrence J Hirsch
Introduction: Critical Care Continuous EEG (CCEEG) is a common procedure to monitor brain function in patients with altered mental status in intensive care units. There is significant variability in patient populations undergoing CCEEG and in technical specifications for CCEEG performance.
Methods: The Critical Care Continuous EEG Task Force of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society developed expert consensus recommendations on the use of CCEEG in critically ill adults and children.