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- Create Date November 17, 2023
- Last Updated November 17, 2023
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Data collection and interpretation |
Data collection and interpretation
Giuseppe Citerio, Soojin Park, J Michael Schmidt, Richard Moberg, Jose I Suarez, Peter D Le Roux
Patient monitoring is routinely performed in all patients who receive neurocritical care. The combined use of monitors, including the neurologic examination, laboratory analysis, imaging studies, and physiological parameters, is common in a platform called multi-modality monitoring (MMM). However, the full potential of MMM is only beginning to be realized since for the most part, decision making historically has focused on individual aspects of physiology in a largely threshold-based manner. The use of MMM now is being facilitated by the evolution of bio-informatics in critical care including developing techniques to acquire, store, retrieve, and display integrated data and new analytic techniques for optimal clinical decision making. In this review, we will discuss the crucial initial steps toward data and information management, which in this emerging era of data-intensive science is already shifting concepts of care for acute brain injury and has the potential to both reshape how we do research and enhance cost-effective clinical care.