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- Create Date November 16, 2023
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Subarachnoid blood acutely induces spreading depolarizations and early cortical infarction |
Subarachnoid blood acutely induces spreading depolarizations and early cortical infarction
Jed A Hartings, Jonathan York, Christopher P Carroll, Jason M Hinzman, Eric Mahoney, Bryan Krueger, Maren K L Winkler, Sebastian Major, Viktor Horst, Paul Jahnke, Johannes Woitzik, Vasilis Kola, Yifeng Du, Matthew Hagen, Jianxiong Jiang, Jens P Dreier
Early cortical infarcts are common in poor-grade patients after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. There are no animal models of these lesions and mechanisms are unknown, although mass cortical spreading depolarizations are hypothesized as a requisite mechanism and clinical marker of infarct development. Here we studied acute sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage in the gyrencephalic brain of propofol-anaesthetized juvenile swine using subdural electrode strips (electrocorticography) and intraparenchymal neuromonitoring probes. Subarachnoid infusion of 1–2 ml of fresh blood at 200 µl/min over cortical sulci caused clusters of spreading depolarizations (count range: 12–34) in 7/17 animals in the ipsilateral but not contralateral hemisphere in 6 h of monitoring, without meaningful changes in other variables. Spreading depolarization clusters were associated with formation of sulcal clots (P < 0.01), a high likelihood of adjacent cortical infarcts (5/7 versus 2/10, P < 0.06), and upregulation of cyclooxygenase-2 in ipsilateral cortex remote from clots/infarcts. In a second cohort, infusion of 1 ml of clotted blood into a sulcus caused spreading depolarizations in 5/6 animals (count range: 4–20 in 6 h) and persistent thick clots with patchy or extensive infarction of circumscribed cortex in all animals. Infarcts were significantly larger after blood clot infusion compared to mass effect controls using fibrin clots of equal volume. Haematoxylin and eosin staining of infarcts showed well demarcated zones of oedema and hypoxic-ischaemic neuronal injury, consistent with acute infarction. The association of spreading depolarizations with early brain injury was then investigated in 23 patients [14 female; age (median, quartiles): 57 years (47, 63)] after repair of ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysms by clip ligation (n = 14) or coiling (n = 9). Frontal electrocorticography [duration: 54 h (34, 66)] from subdural electrode strips was analysed over Days 0–3 after initial haemorrhage and magnetic resonance imaging studies were performed at ∼ 24–48 h after aneurysm treatment. Patients with frontal infarcts only and those with frontal infarcts and/or intracerebral haemorrhage were both significantly more likely to have spreading depolarizations (6/7 and 10/12, respectively) than those without frontal brain lesions (1/11, P’s < 0.05). These results suggest that subarachnoid clots in sulci/fissures are sufficient to induce spreading depolarizations and acute infarction in adjacent cortex. We hypothesize that the cellular toxicity and vasoconstrictive effects of depolarizations act in synergy with direct ischaemic effects of haemorrhage as mechanisms of infarct development. Results further validate spreading depolarizations as a clinical marker of early brain injury and establish a clinically relevant model to investigate causal pathologic sequences and potential therapeutic interventions.