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- Create Date July 10, 2024
- Last Updated July 10, 2024
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Walter Eichler and his role in the development of electroneurography
Benedikt Pleuhs, Sanjeev D Nandedkar, Hendrikus G Krouwer, Paul E Barkhaus
Walter Eichler (1904-1942) performed the first in situ nerve conduction studies in humans. Eichler's work has been largely overlooked and there have been no biographical accounts written of him. His 1937 paper, Ãœber die Ableitung der Aktionspotentiale vom menschlichen Nerven in situ (On the recording of the action potentials from human nerves in situ) was translated and reviewed. Archival material was obtained on his career that was housed predominantly at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau. He had memberships in Nazi organizations but did not appear to be politically active. During his brief career, he constructed novel equipment and established seminal principles for performing nerve conductions on humans. The authors repeated his experiment in the ulnar nerve, which duplicated Eichler's findings. His recordings were quite remarkable given advances in technology. In summary, the Eichler paper is the first study in the development of in situ clinical electroneurography in humans. Many of his procedural observations are still fundamental in the current practice of electroneurography. As best can be determined, his study in humans did not appear ethically compromised. Although Eichler's personal background remains open to question, his paper is a seminal study in the history and development of clinical electroneurography.