Neuro Training Academy

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Definition, Diagnosis & Treatment

Do you want to improve care for your patients with traumatic brain injury? In this new guide, we share procedures, technologies, and diagnostic considerations that can help improve neurological outcomes for patients with traumatic brain injury.Read More

Discrepancy between internal and external intracranial pressure transducers:

Could measurement discrepancies lead to different treatments? Besides being the leading cause of death and disability, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is also associated with significant neurological consequences and increased intracranial pressure. ICP monitoring remains a crucial element in treatment protocol to determine the risk for stroke and possible herniation.Read More

EMG/NCS: Guidelines for Single Fiber EMG

Single fiber EMG (SFEMG) are found to be remarkably sensitive in detecting disturbed neuromuscular transmission (NMT), and the method was introduced into clinical use to identify myasthenic disorders.Read More

Brain Multimodality Monitoring

Stabilizing a patient with a brain injury doesn’t mean they are out of the woods just yet. Neurocritical care patients are at risk of developing secondary brain injury from inflammation, ischemia and edema that follows the primary injury.Read More

Standards of Instrumentation of EMG

Welcome to the new age - The signal is loud and clear. Standardization is becoming more important in the health care system, with rapidly improving new technology enabling greater standardization of instrumentation.Read More

Continuous EEG Is Associated with Favorable Hospitalization Outcomes for Critically Ill Patients

The neuro ICU toolbox has expanded over the last 20 years. Specialized technology has emerged as a useful tool to assess neuro ICU patients’ condition when physical examination is limited. The use of electroencephalography (EEG) in the intensive care setting has been integrated and expanded.Read More

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